Saturday, November 17, 2007


In the summer of 2006 I picked up a copy of Dean Karnazes’ book: Ultra Marathon man. Reading the book was my first real insight into ultra marathons. The chapters about the Western States 100 Endurance Run seemed absolutely crazy. I was amazed that people could run 100 miles through the mountains in under 24 hours! In the fall of 2006 I ran the Hartford Marathon. It turned out that Dean Karnazes also ran the marathon as the 28th leg of the Endurance 50 (He ran 50 marathons in 50 days in all 50 states!) It was pretty cool to see him during the race. Afterwards he autographed my book, and posed for a pic with me:

“Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, but never give up.” – Dean Karnazes

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